Sadly, Anita Neal lost her fight with cancer on January 30, 2005.

Below is an excerpt from correspondence that I had
received from Anita right before her passing.
Friendship Rose
Just like a rose
so precious and rare,
is the forever friendship
circle we share.
Planted with kindness,
it's warmed by the sun of
caring and sharing,
laughter and fun.
It's grounded
in trust and nurtured by love,
with a sprinkling of
grace from God up above.
Tears of sadness and joy,
like dew, renew this friendship
I share with you.
And in the heart's garden,
we find
the room to be ourselves,
to grow and bloom.
A blessing of beauty unsurpassed,
our friendship's
a flower that will always last.
Angel Hugs Forever,
My Dear Sweet Forever Friend

In Memory Of Our Grandma
Grandma, I thought this day would never come,
You were my Hero you were my grandmother and
like a mother to me, You provided your protection
and your guidance, Not only to me but to so many others.
You always did the best that you could
And you always gave the best,
We will always remember your words,
For we were the ones truly blessed.
We will remember the times you made us laugh,
And the times you made us cry,
We will remember how you lived,
And the look of your caring eyes.
I will miss the touch of your soft hands
And the way they healed my heart,
I will remember your beautiful smile,
And your sense of humor, was a world apart.
We will miss the sound of your voice,
And the directions you always gave,
You'd tell us to always be strong,
And you'd tell us to always to behave.
I will miss the stories you would share,
And the long talks at your kitchen table,
I will miss the happiness you showed,
With every new grandchild you cradled.
Grandma, You will be sadly missed,
But in our hearts you will forever live,
In our time of sorrow and pain,
Memories of your strength we will now relive.
Our hearts may be heavy
And we may shed many tears,
But our spirit rejoices, for you are with God.
And now you have nothing to fear,
No more worries, no more sorrows,
No more hurt and no more pain,
In the kingdom of Heaven you now stand,
Our love for you will forever remain.
To our grandmother, just like a mother, to our sister,
and auntie, To our friend, and to our dear dear loved one,
We thank you for your time, for your love, for your lessons,
For your kindness, compassion and your love.
Now your job is done!

I'm Just a Memory Away
I'm no longer by your side,
but there's no need to weep;
I've left sweet recollections
I'm hoping you will keep.
Eternal joy and memories
stay in our hearts forever,
Strengthening our special
bond that parting cannot sever.
Now it's time to journey on--
so let your faith be strong,
For I am in a better place...
I'm home where I belong.
And if times of loneliness
bring sorrow and dismay,
Don't despair,
for I am there...
just a memory away.
Rita S. Beer
They whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now...wherever we are. ~St. John Chrysostom~
Below is My Guestbook
Please take a moment to let us know you were here. Thank You!
Guestbook provided by

Midi is called "Angel"
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Thank You.
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this amazing woman Anita Neal by clicking onto the links below.